Blackout Roller Blinds Keep You Thin
Blackout Roller Blinds Keep You Thin
Blackout roller blinds keep you thin… science says so.
I suppose we always suspected that sleeping in a darkened room promoted better and more refreshing sleep. However, researchers from Oxford University, following a study involving 113,000 participants, have found that women who sleep with too much light are more likely to be over weight. Researchers speculate that the hormone melatonin, which is thought to play a role in metabolism and is inhibited by the exposure to light, may underpin this link between weight gain and light. Anthony Swedlow Professor of Epidemiology called the results ‘intriguing’ I call them blooming marvellous.
Hello Blackout Roller Blinds
Good-bye gym membership, fad diets and Weight Watchers and hello blackout blinds, don’t you just love scientists!… So why are you still here? Get online, pick up the phone or grab the car keys and head for the shops. Those blackout roller blinds are waiting for you. And once you’ve bought them, chances are you’ll need some BlindSides™ to cover the gaps at the edges.