To The Rescue
To The Rescue
Over the baby monitor a chirpy voice calls out ‘Mummy want to get uup it’s morning time’. Through bleary eyes you peer at the clock 5.30! You look over at the window and understand the cause of this early, too early, wake up call. The daylight slithering under the roller blind and slicing in the gap between blinds and window frame. And just think next Sunday, the 26th October, this will all happen an hour earlier after the clocks have gone back to mark the end of British Summer Time.
Closing the Gap between Blinds and Window
For most people in the country it’s great; it means another hour in bed doesn’t it? It would be three cheers for William Willet the builder who campaigned successfully for the introduction of British Summer Time in 1916…if only they knew. But for the already sleep deprived parents of toddlers not teens it is dreaded and talked about in hushed tones … the clocks go back next weekend. Wouldn’t you think that some bright spark would have come up with a solution to this problem? An end to unwanted daylight peeking under or over blinds and squeezing in through the gap between blinds and window frame. Where is a super hero when you need one? Oh hang on a minute…